What does an abundant full life look to you? When you think about someone you know who has an overflow of life springing up from their soul, what image comes to mind? And what sets these people apart from the rest? Do you have ample amounts of life stored up and overflowing out of you? Maybe some days, but not all day? What are you thinking about when you have a day that is full of life, and vise versa when you have a day lacking life?
These are all questions I have asked myself over the years, and just recently have been asking God. His faithfulness in answering, always surprises me, but it really shouldn't because he promises to answer when I call on the name of The Lord.
Jesus said in John 10:10 " The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)." (AMP)
To understand what an abundant life means I think it's important to look at the opposite. Here are some words that describe the opposite of abundance.
Lack. Deficiency. Deficit. Inadequate. Insufficient. Absence. Poverty. Dry. Undersupply.
This verse says the thief comes to steal our life. I don't think this necessarily means to physically kill all of us (which he would probably do if he could), but more realistically the thief comes by the ways of our emotions causing depression, anxiety, insecurities, and all other emotions that are not life giving.
So as believers in Christ, why do we (myself included in this) live in a way that is opposite of what Jesus is offering?
I believe when we are living in this opposite way of the abundant life we have put ourselves under condemnation instead of under the freedom that comes from Jesus. I was talking to an amazing woman of God that is in my life right now, and as she was talking God opened my eyes to three sources condemnation can originate.
Condemnation from God. Condemnation from others. Condemnation of self.
Romans 8:1 THEREFORE, (there is) now NO condemnation (no adjudging of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus.
This verse took on a whole new meaning for me. Jesus is not condemning us so why live under the condemnation of man or self. I personally live under it by fear of falling and fear of rejection. These fears put me directly under condemnation from others. But there is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and I am in Christ Jesus. And I have been set free from this condemnation, it was replaced by life and life abundant. If God is for me who can be against me.
It is also too easy to condemn ourselves with insecurities and comparison of others (especially as women oh boy isn't that the truth ladies!). We tell ourselves to try harder, we look at the other's strengths and say we need to be more like that, we tear ourselves apart physically and yearn to be different. We end up condemning ourselves the most BUT there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Fight back the lies with truth in God's word. If God is for me who can be against me. He is NOT condemning us He is loving us perfectly and completely. He is saying we were accepted exactly the way we are. We don't need to change a thing because we don't have the power to change us. Only Jesus has the power to change us.
The power of God's love can change us, but we have to accept His love for what it is- a free gift. Have you ever thought "yeah, I know God loves me, but He loves everybody. So why is it so special?" Maybe I'm the only one, but I have often wondered why does He love me so much? What is it about me that He is so crazy about? A love that is so crazy He actually wants me to be with him now and forever... So I started asking him "What do you like about me", "Why do you love me so much?" Honestly, it took a few days and a quieted heart and a mind about to drift off to sleep to hear His response...
"Because you're mine."... Because I am HIS!
It was such a simple answer, but overwhelming peace entered my heart for that answer. He doesn't love based on my good qualities and my awesome skills because there is always the opposite side of the awesomeness that we don't want anyone to see. But God sees it, and He is steady, He is consistent with His love. WHY? Because it is not based around us and how cool we are... We belong to Him, I belong to Him, you belong to Him. I don't know about you, but I find a deep rest in knowing why He loves me. There is no work left to be done because the work Jesus did was enough. I am His daughter now and forever. "For (as far as this world is concerned) you have died, and your (new, real) life is hidden with Christ in God." Col 3:3 (AMP)
Hidden in Christ... Hidden in Christ. Our old lives and old selves are crucified and died when Christ died. We have been raised up with a new life that is found in Jesus alone. No other thing on this earth will ever give you the abundant life you are looking for other than Jesus. And I pray you all find an understanding of His crazy deep love for you on a personal level. It is in Him that we have life and life abundantly. He has cancelled our debt and set us free from condemnation so let's choose to relax and enjoy this amazing life He has invited us to.
When I play with my daughter or watch her sleep, I am mesmerized at the depth of my emotions I feel for her. The word love doesn't even begin to describe how I see her. My heart literally aches with joy it is somewhat painful. I have never known a love like this. She is half of me. My DNA has made up half of her DNA. She is mine. And I am the only person that will ever be her mom. Gosh, writing this out is making me emotional. I love her because she is mine. He loves me because I am His. Do you see it? Do you feel that revelation? It's such a big deal because it's all about him wanting to bring us to the understanding of how he loves us. He has poured out his love through Jesus so we don't need to pray and ask him to pour himself out, and we don't need to ask to be filled because he has already filled us with all he has, just recognize you are filled to the brim. The thief is trying to convince us we need more, he is trying to steal the life that we already possess. Don't let him do that. Stand firm on the promises of Jesus and His finished work on the cross.
Walk in this new abundant life overflowing and sufficient for daily living. This is an image of grace.
I love you all!